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Une citation de Buck Brannaman

Une citation de Buck Brannaman

“Discipline isn’t a dirty word. Far from it. Discipline is the one thing that separates us from chaos and anarchy. Discipline implies timing. It’s the precursor to good behavior, and it never comes from bad behavior. People who associate discipline with punishment are wrong: with discipline, punishment is unnecessary.” ― Buck Brannaman

Citation de l’université de Dillon au Montana

Citation de l’université de Dillon au Montana

Knowledge is power; Being able to understand how your horse moves, functions and thinks is the only true way to improve your riding and training skills. Gimmicks and short cuts will only result in causing yourself frustration and more work in the end usually never curing the issue or problem. Understanding horses and horsemanship will not only save you money and keep your tack room less cluttered, it will teach you how to use your brain, your most important tool….

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Une citation de Ronnie Willis

Une citation de Ronnie Willis

Magali et Ronnie Willis Hiver 2002 à Dillon Montana. « Son, with anything there is to do with horses, there are about a hundred different ways to get it done. Maybe 70 or 75 of those ways will work….but maybe only 10, or 15, of those ways are a good deal for the horse. My point is…not everything that‘s effective is a good deal for the horse. Not everything suits every horse. There is more than one right way. There are…

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